"On my honor, I pledge today, to follow the example of Jesus and to live the code of Holy Trinity School..."
Our Mascot Shumba!
The 2024-2025 school year sees the continuation in the development of a character development plan at Holy Trinity School. The Faculty and Staff, in response to the need for more opportunities for positive recognition of the student body, has adopted a schoolwide character-based program.
This program presents:
1. A schoolwide pledge
2. A mascot
3. An academic code for the personal best of each
4. A code of honor and conduct based on honesty,
respect, peace, and service to others
5. Classroom morning meetings
6. A leadership team of students
7. Monthly student recognition luncheons:
October: Kindness
December: Responsibility
February: Service to Others
March: Enthusiasm
April: Hard Working
May: Most Improved
We look forward to growing together as this program continues to develop.